ON NOW: Stage 3 Water Restrictions
Posted on Monday, August 14, 2023 09:57 AM
Stage 3 water restrictions is now active in Sechelt. This is an acute level, one stage before a full ban on all outside watering. Please continue to conserve water - efforts from residents and visitors make a BIG difference! The following is NOT permitted during Stage 3:
- No sprinklers, soaker hoses or micro spray
- No washing sidewalks, driveways, windows, fences or exterior building surfaces
- No filling swimming pools, hot tubs/spas, garden ponds, fountains
Wakefield Beach Access Closed
Posted on Thursday, July 27, 2023 03:59 PM
The beach access at the end of Wakefield Road is closed as the sewage lift station in this area undergoes replacement. Crews and equipment will be working for the next few months with project completion expected in winter 2023. Please obey all signage and crews. Visit our Beaches page to see nearby beach access locations.
Mayor's Message - July
Posted on Monday, July 17, 2023 10:58 AM
Enjoy the summer – have FUN, carefully and responsibly!
It’s no surprise that with all the nice weather we’ve had, our ground and forests are tinder dry. Simply put, a wildfire or even a structure fire in Sechelt would be disastrous – so please, please, be extra careful!
Fortunately, there are a few things we can do to help prevent fires here, aside from not burning in our own backyards of course. Do you have an extra fire extinguisher lying around the house? Now’s a good time to pop it into the...
Sani Dump Now Open
Posted on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 03:47 PM
The Sani Dump is now open!
Location: 5400 Dusty Road, just off of Sechelt Inlet Road.
Coast: $10 per use, card only payment
As the station is located at the District of Sechelt Operations Centre, please refrain from blocking the entrance, exit and parking spaces. Use the pullout area on Dusty Road to wait.
Property Taxes
Posted on Monday, June 26, 2023 01:57 PM
Property taxes are due July 4, 2023
Residents are encouraged to pay on time to avoid a 10 per cent penalty which is automatically applied to unpaid taxes after the deadline.
Payment options:
- in person or online through your financial institution
- deposit a cheque in the drop box at City Hall
- cash, cheque, or debit at City Hall
See your tax notice and pay your invoice online here
BC Homeowner GrantWe encourage homeowners to apply for their home owner grant, a provincial subsidy that reduces the amount...