Current Development Applications
The District of Sechelt welcomes your interest in development applications currently proposed in the District. Major development applications that are of public interest are listed below along with links to additional information.
Residents have the opportunity to be part of the development process by attending and providing comment at a Public Meetings or connecting with the District directly. For information on current applications, please contact us.
Please note: the below list is in progress and is currently being updated.
Rezoning Applications
File No. 3360-2023-02 (5476 Mills Road) |
Highland Builders has applied to rezone 5476 Mills Road from R-2 to R-3 to allow a small-lot subdivision consisting of 8-lots at 5476 Mills Road.
File No. 3360-2022-08 (Derby Road) |
Sawarne Lumber Co. Ltd. has applied to rezone a portion of District Lot 1384 to facilitate a 52-unit strata townhouse development located on the north side Derby Road just east of the Trellis Silverstone Care Facility. The proposal requires both a Zoning Bylaw Amendment and an Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment. Documents: 2023-01-11 Permission to Proceed Report to Council (Attachments 18.9MB) |
File No. 3360-2022-07 (5875 Reef Road) |
Rezone subject property to facilitate a townhome development with up to 45 units. Documents: |
File No. 3360-2022-03 (5535 Shorncliffe Avenue) |
FLAT Architecture has applied on behalf of Genaris Properties Ltd. to rezone the subject property to facilitate a multi-building apartment development. Documents: 2022-09-07 Staff Report (Permission to Proceed) (Attachments 23 Mb) 2023-04-19 Staff Report (First Reading) |
File No. 3360-2022-02 (5981 Shoal Way) |
City State Consulting Group has applied on behalf of 1301233 B.C. Ld. to rezone the subject property to facilitate a strata townhouse development. Documents: 2022-07-20 Staff Report (Permission To Proceed) 2022-12-21 Staff Report (First Reading) Public Information Meeting Display Boards |
File No. 3360-2022-06 (Lot 5 Tower Road) |
A rezoning application to allow up to 36 mixed residential units. Documents: Public Hearing Binder |
File No. 3360-2023-01 (5700 East Porpoise Bay Road) |
Vidorra Developments has made an application to rezone four properties at 5686 & 5694 Wharf Ave, 5700 East Porpoise Bay Rd, and 5689 Trident Ave. The intent of the application is to construct four apartment buildings with combined 89 market condo and rental units with commercial space on the ground floor within the building adjacent to Wharf Avenue. The proposed development is generally consistent with the Official Community Plan (OCP) in this location; however, the proposed density exceeds the number of units and floor area ratio supported in the OCP, therefore a corresponding minor amendment to the OCP is proposed. Documents: |
Development Permits
File No. 3320-2016-17 (Havies Road) |
Homei Sechelt (Laurel) Limited Partnership has revised the original Van Ke subdivision application from 66 lots to 99 lots. The lot layout and road network have been revised along with the increase in proposed lots. The application still proposes an extension to the sanitary sewer line from Sechelt along the highway and up Nestman Road to serve the property. The owner has petitioned Council to create a new sewer service area for the property and future lot owners. Council has endorsed this petition and staff will be preparing the necessary bylaws. At this time, it would only serve the subject property. Documents: |