Official Community Plan
Official Community Plan (OCP)
The Official Community Plan sets policy direction and reflects community aspirations and goals. It provides a foundation for decision making through statements of objectives and policies. The Plan provides a degree of certainty about what future development may be permitted in the community, addressing appropriateness and scale, and guiding business and development toward appropriate locations. The District of Sechelt adopted its Official Community Plan (OCP) on July 20, 2011.
Several important studies were undertaken as background to the OCP policies. These should be referenced for additional detailed information:
District of Sechelt Transportation Master Plan (2009)
Chapman Creek Flood Hazard Assessment (2010)
Changes to the OCP
The OCP is meant to be a long-term guide to future land use and development in the District of Sechelt, and to provide a level of certainty to residents regarding the land uses to be provided in the community. However, it is not a static document, and Council may be required to respond to unforeseen conditions and circumstances that warrant reconsideration of the policies or map designations of the OCP.
Official Community Plan amendments will be reviewed in accordance with the following criteria:
- the use is in the best long term interests of the community as a whole;
- the community has been consulted and the proposed use has a high level of support in the community;
- the proposed use is consistent with the overall vision for the community and local neighbourhood;
- there is a demonstrated need for the use in light of projected population and employment trends and other available sites in the community;
- the proposed use is suitable for the site and compatible with adjacent land uses;
- water and sewer, transportation and other community services are available and are not negatively affected;
- the proposal puts forward creative, sustainable and innovative design approaches.
If you are considering applying for an OCP Amendment please contact Planning staff to discuss your proposal before making an application.