Short-Term Rental Licences
The District of Sechelt allows short-term rental (STR) on residential properties according to our STR program and bylaws. For safety reasons STRs are only permitted in legal habitable dwelling units.
A short-term rental is the rental of a dwelling unit on a residential property on a daily or weekly basis. These rentals are often booked through a third party such as Airbnb and VRBO or booked privately through the owner.
All STRs in the District of Sechelt must acquire an annual business licence to operate. Licence applications are accepted up until July 31st for the calendar year.
District of Sechelt and Provincial regulations require all STRs to have a principle resident operator. That means the person operating the STR must live on the property and must be present during STR guest stays.
Un-hosted secondary residence STRs are not permitted to operate.
Find out more about the provincial regulations here:
Types of STR
Type 1 ROOMS IN A HOME - rental of up to three bedrooms within a principal residence where the operator lives and is present during guest stays.
Type 2 SELF-CONTAINED DWELLING UNIT(with its own kitchen) - rental of secondary suite or detached accessory dwelling unit on a principal residence property where the operator lives and is present during guest stays.
New Applications |
The deadline for applications to operate within the current year must be received no later than July 31st in order to receive a business licence for the current year. How to Apply for a Licence
For a look back through the engagement process and recommendations received, please visit our engagement site - |
Renewals |
Any unpaid licence fees or fines must be paid, in addition to the upcoming years' licence fee, before we will issue a renewed licence, and before you may operate your STR. Payment is due no later than January 31.
Renewal applications are accepted between November and January 15 to allow sufficient time to process the applications. After January 15, renewals will no longer be accepted, and a new application form is required if you wish to continue operating your STR. The new application fee only applies where an STR operation did not have a valid licence in the previous year. Any unpaid licence fees or fines will be sent to the District's collections agency.
To renew your STR licence a questionnaire must be completed to update our records. This form can be completed and submitted here:
Please note: A change in STR operating type (ex. licenced as a Type 1 but switching to a Type 2, or increasing the number of bedrooms) requires a new STR application form to be submitted. As long as the STR operation had a valid licence in the previous year, the new application fee would not apply. |
STR Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement
Staff continue to investigate and respond to bylaw complaints related to STRs. If an STR in your area is operating without a Business Licence, or you believe an STR in your area is violating another bylaw, please email our bylaw department within working hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). To report an issue outside of operating hours, please call the RCMP non-emergency line at 604-885-2266.
Click the type if STR below for specific information and application

Room in a principal residence where the owner lives and is present during stays.

Self-contained suite (up to two) on a property where the owner lives and is present.
Current STR Business Licences
Updated: October, 2024