Tree Cutting Permit
Apply for a Tree Cutting Permit
The District of Sechelt Environmental Management Bylaw No. 484 aims to reduce the loss of tree cover from new development sites and regulates tree cutting.
The bylaw applies to:
- All Properties that are 1.0 hectare (2.47 acres) or larger in size;
- All trees within 30 m of Chapman Creek or Gray Creek or within 15 m of any other watercourse including the ocean;
- All trees on slopes that are 30% or greater.
You will need a permit if you are planning to cut, prune, top or remove Protected Trees.
A Protected Tree is defined as:
- any tree that is 60 cm (24”) diameter or larger (as measured 1.4 m from ground level).
- Trees designated as “to be retained” on a plan attached to a development permit, development variance permit, building permit, or subdivision approved by the District of Sechelt.
- Any nesting tree.
- Any tree protected by a restrictive covenant pursuant to Section 219 of the Land Title Act.
Staff can advise you whether a Tree Permit is needed, depending on the work proposed.
The bylaw allows removal of trees necessary for utilities, driveway, the building footprint etc. under an approved permit. The goal is to protect as many healthy trees as possible, particularly groups of trees. However, if trees need to be removed to accommodate building on the property, replacement trees must be planted.
If replacement trees cannot be planted on the property $750 per tree must be provided in lieu.
Tree-cutting permits may not be required:
- For existing residential properties less than 1 ha. in size except if you are in a Development Permit Area
- For ALR land or land in forestry tenure
- For emergency removal of hazard trees
Tree Cutting Permit Application Fee
$50.00 per tree for the first three trees plus $10.00 for each additional tree.