Parks Master Plan
In 2018, The District updated the Parks Master Plan. Guiding future decision-making as the community continues to evolve, the plan assists with our continuing efforts to maintain and improve our parks and trails. Additionally, the master plan helps prioritize realistic short term (5-year) investments in parks and open spaces, as well as steps toward medium and long term (10 to 15 year and beyond) investments.
Parks and Open Space Master Plan
View the Executive Summary
The District is proud of what has been accomplished in the development of parks and recreational spaces in our community in our 30-year history. Our Parks Department services rank consistently at the top of our services in District Citizen Satisfaction surveys. Our goal is to build on that success and to look for opportunities keep on improving the product we provide to our residents. The aim of our updated Plan is to position Sechelt as a local government leader in the provision of parks services on the Coast and in our province.