Mayor's Message - July
Enjoy the summer – have FUN, carefully and responsibly!
It’s no surprise that with all the nice weather we’ve had, our ground and forests are tinder dry. Simply put, a wildfire or even a structure fire in Sechelt would be disastrous – so please, please, be extra careful!
Fortunately, there are a few things we can do to help prevent fires here, aside from not burning in our own backyards of course. Do you have an extra fire extinguisher lying around the house? Now’s a good time to pop it into the car. It’s a practical solution as you never know if you’ll come across a smouldering patch of grass on the side of the road from some unknown cause.
That brings us to the next tip, please do not throw your still-burning cigarette butt onto the ground. Ensure the butt is fully out then take it home with you.
Many people embraced the idea of travelling locally during the pandemic. This also increased motor home and camper trailer sales. After many long years, I’m happy to say that there is now a place in Sechelt for campers to get rid of the grey water and sewage. The new District Sani Dump is open in East Porpoise Bay at 5400 Dusty Road. Keep an eye out for signage and you won’t miss it.
Summer in Sechelt is filled with events and things for both locals and tourists alike. Here are a few ideas that will get you outside enjoying the Coast culture with your family and friends:
- Sechelt Summer Music Series – Saturdays from 12-2 p.m. at the Hackett Park Stage
- Sechelt Farmers’ and Artisans’ Market – Saturdays from 9 a.m.- 2:30 p.m.
- Coasters Car Club Rod Run & Show and Shine – August 11 &12
- Festival of the Written Arts – August 17-20
- Hackett Park Artisan Fair – August 19-20
- Sunshine Coast Electric Vehicle Festival – September 16th
What makes the above and so many other activities extra special are the amazing volunteers who put on these events year after year. Community volunteerism and participation is the backbone of cultural events in our community. Whether you like art, beer, cars, commerce, or even local government, there is an event or organization that needs you - and it’s fun, too!
Sechelt is shaped by those who are active in it. I encourage you to embrace the opportunities to be involved, to volunteer and to advocate for causes close to your heart. Your voice matters and your actions inspire others! Have a wonderful rest of the summer.
Stay safe.
Be fire smart.
Conserve our water.