What Goes in Your Blue Recycling Bin
Please ensure all items in your blue bin are acceptable. We will be out checking blue bins for items that should not be in there and will be placing an "oops sticker" on your bin and/or may not take it for collection that week. Our recycling loads have too much contamination unfortunately and the District is at risk of fines from Recycle BC.
Please follow these tips to reduce contamination in your recycling:
- No soft plastics like packaging, produce bags, zipper bags etc
- No books
- No hard rigid plastics like non-recyclable tupperwear
- No electronics.
Many items that can't go in your curb-side blue bin can go to Salish Soils. Please refer to the Waste Wizard for items you are unsure about. Thank you for helping us reduce recycling contamination!
Click the photo below to print off and post at home